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Model United Nations

Model United Nations is one of the most popular extracurricular activities at Country Day School. In the last 10 years, the Country Day School Model United Nations program has grown into one of the most successful in Costa Rica, with students earning recognition at local and international conferences. Moreover, the Country Day School Model United Nations team has been privileged to attend many prestigious international Model UN simulations, including THIMUN The Hague, NAIMUN, CWMUN Roma, NHSMUN, and UChicago MUN. The philosophy of Country Day School MUN is to promote global citizenship, engender empathy, and raise awareness of social injustice by providing students opportunities to engage in analysis and debate of the most critical issues facing our world today.  Students who participate in Model United Nations glean a deeper understanding of not only the challenges with which global leaders grapple, but they develop civic responsibility, strengthen their communication skills, and become leaders. 


meet the 


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Jorge Eduardo Herdocia
Secretary General 
Country Day School 
Jose Nicholas Marin
Undersecretary General 
Country Day School 
Jacobo Guzowski
Undersecretary of Academic Affairs 
Country Day School 
Ilona Barrero
Undersecretary General 
Country Day School 
Bryan Ng
Undersecretary of Fundraising 
Country Day School 
Adrian Carrillo
Undersecretary General 
Country Day School 
Pia Hernandez
Undersecretary General 
Country Day School 
Jacobo Guzowski
Undersecretary of Academic Affairs 
Country Day School 

meet the 


Dear Students, Faculty, and Sponsors,

   We are pleased to invite you to the Country Day School International Model United Nations (Virtual Edition), which will occur on April 9th, 10th, and 11th of 2021. 
   My name is Jorge E. Herdocia, and it is my pleasure to serve as the Secretary-General of CDSIMUN 2021. This virtual conference will host students from all over Latin America, successfully connecting students through MUN. 
   I joined MUN five years ago, and ever since, it has completely shifted my perspective on global issues and diplomacy. Although MUN deals with inequality, racism, and international affairs, it also teaches its members essential skills to build a better tomorrow. Personally, the most powerful lesson I obtained from MUN was learning the importance of team-work. Ever since I have realized that to solve most of the world's issues; it is paramount to connect rather than separate. For this reason, it was my project to attempt to leave a legacy of connecting the CDSMUN program with other MUN programs throughout Latin America. I hope that this MUN experiment will foster long-lasting relationships and ultimately build a more united Latin America.
   Throughout 2021, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have faced several challenges. However, this pandemic has presented several opportunities. Attending conferences such as CDSIMUN 2021 would have typically been limited to only local participants. Nevertheless, this pandemic provides the unique opportunity to participate and connect dozens of different schools throughout Latin America.
   This year was the first time that the Country Day School's MUN organized a conference that would feature schools outside of Costa Rica. In this globalized era that we are currently living through, these opportunities that unfortunate events like the pandemic present have long-term benefits. We hope that throughout this conference, Latin American students will build relationships that will allow for MUN programs throughout the region to grow and develop mutually.
   The Secretariat and I are eager to see you soon. Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. 


Jorge E. Herdocia

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Natalie Vacirca
CDSMUN Faculty Advisor​
Jorge Eduardo Herdocia
Secretary General 
Jose Nicholas Marin
Undersecretary General 
Ilona Barrero
Ambassador of International Affairs
Adrian Carrillo
Undersecretary General 
Jacobo Guzowski
Undersecretary of Finances 
Bryan Ng
Undersecretary of Fundraising 
Pia Hernandez
Undersecretary of Academic Affairs 
Sydney Winter
Undersecretary of Media
Luis Javier Chasi
Undersecretary of Recruitment


Day 1 | April 9th
Day 2 | April 10th
Day 3 | April 11th
15:30 - 16:00
Opening Ceremony
9:00 - 9:15 
Roll Call
9:00 - 9:15 
Roll Call
16:00 - 16:15
16:15 - 18:15
Committee Session I
9:15 - 10:45
Committee Session II
10:45 - 11:00
11:00 - 12:45
Committee Session III 
Committee Session IV
9:15 - 10:45
Committee Session V
10:45 - 11:00
11:00 - 12:45
Committee Session VI
Committee Session VII
15:45 - 16:00
Closing Ceremony

© 2020 by Country Day School Model United Nations

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